
Music is like breathing. It’s the most natural thing I do, and something I can’t live without. I love just about all genres, and not a day goes by that I’m not listening to music or singing. I don’t perform live as much due to spending more time raising my kids, but the stage still calls my name often. I have recently started coaching vocal/piano students with my own method which includes ear training rather than classical training. It’s a privilege to watch students of all ages come alive and love music even more than they thought they could!


I've been a performer since I was 6 years old, and I still love it. The stage is home to me, and there's nothing quite like the feeling of being surrounded by my best friends. I also have a passion for writing songs, and was fortunate enough to have one in a movie!

Artist Management

I love the challenge of artist management, development, and marketing. Currently, I'm working with a music/comedy/guitar act while also documenting the process for educational purposes through our non-profit organization, Arkansas Music Association.


While I never really received formal training myself, I've somehow been blessed with the opportunity of coaching others in voice and piano. I also founded Music Snacks, one-on-one online music lessons.

The stage is my favorite office

It’s all about Music

Music was born into me, and I couldn’t escape it if I tried. Everything in my life has a soundtrack, and every memory is connected to a song. I started in pageants when I was 3 years old and started my first paid gig at age 6. I have performed in music shows, toured with bands, toured radio stations, written songs, lived in Nashville, written a score for a play, had a song in a movie, got accepted into Berklee College of Music, and have experienced things I never would have without music.  I breathe it as much or more than I do oxygen, and now I have the opportunity to give back to others wanting to experience that feeling.

I had a few people ask if I would teach voice lessons locally. I agreed, without knowing just what an impact it would have on me. Within 10 months I had 40 students in both vocal and piano lessons. It’s been one of the most rewarding things I have done. However, I’ve had to scale back a bit in order to continue doing the other things I have do in life including taking care of my marketing clients, teaching marketing classes, artist management, and time for taking my kids to their sporting events.  I now teach voice/piano 2 days a week at our studio, George Guitars, and I have a waiting list for those who are interested in taking classes in person. I also offer an online service through a program I created called The Music University, where I can offer one-on-one music lessons without time constraints. Bringing music to students is an empowering feeling and a huge blessing that I don’t take for granted!